URC Holiday Forum 2019

Forum 2019 Theme : A story waiting to be told

Dates : Saturday 17th August to Friday 23th August 2019

Theme Leader : Rev Richard Becher

Worship Leaders : Rev Iain McLaren and Steven Neville

Music Leader : Marion Turner (and friends)

A story waiting to be told…  We can’t change history but there are many untold stories which can change the future through how history is remembered.

Telling the story is what Jesus did so well and new stories can be told through fiction and non-fiction; gospel and testimony; song and poetry so come and write a new story or, as the Psalmist says, sing a new song to the Lord!

Behind every story written and heard there are many more waiting to be told and YOUR story is what the Lord wants you to tell. This is a week to be inspired and inspire with visions and dreams knowing that if you can imagine something it is possible with God.

Imagine reading Matthew 28: 19-20 in another country and writing a story about what you did. Imagine reading this “Great Commission” in Jamaica in 1948 and coming to England on the Empire Windrush SS. With a new story history can be remembered in a different way and make a better future. What’s your story that’s still waiting to be told, or written or sung?

Richard Becher will be leading the theme in 2019. Richard is a minister in the United Reformed Church who has just ‘retired from retirement’ and moved to the Broadway pastorate in the Cotswolds. Before being ordained Richard was a journalist, worked with Vietnamese Boat People, managed a children’s home in Kenya and a hostel for homeless young people in Birmingham.

He’s just written the script for a film, Longing to Belong, which was launched in June 2018 to help celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Windrush Generation. His first attempt at a film script – When Truth is Blind – was produced by the United Reformed Church to raise awareness of issues concerning asylum seekers. (That film was shown at Holiday Forum in 2016 as part of Michael Jagessar’s Theme presentation.)

Richard’s grandfather was a famous German poet and author, Johannes R Becher, who also became Minister for Culture in the former DDR. Richard is influenced by the untold story of his grandfather, which he still hopes to discover!

The Worship Leaders are Rev Iain McLaren and Steven Neville

Iain McLaren has been part of the URC all his life. He has served the church as a Junior Church teacher, Lay Preacher, Elder, Church Secretary and, since 2010, as a Minister of Word and Sacrament. Iain first attended Forum in 2007 and has previously led Morning Prayers and evening meditations, and was one of the six Worship Leaders who shared leading worship at Forum 2018.

Steven Neville is a Children’s Worker, serving an Anglican church in West London. He is an ordained Elder in URC and has been a locally recognised Lay Preacher. He lives in Buckhurst Hill in Epping Forest, Essex. Steven first attended Forum in 1999 and has led the Film Group and Treasure Hunt over the years as well as serving for four years as Forum Treasurer

Music Leader Marion Turner is a long standing Forum regular who will co-ordinate a happy band of musician friends to lead us all in ‘making a joyful noise to the Lord’ throughout the week!

Each day there’s all-age worship, a theme talk and workshops (discussion, Bible study, choir, needlework, films and others), and children’s groups from crèche to secondary school ages

There are other services of worship too – early morning prayers and evening meditations, communion and well-being service. Each afternoon there are optional activities. There are competitions in table tennis, Scrabble and boules throughout the week, and each evening there’s entertainment – also optional.

There’s ample opportunity for free time, relaxed conversation, renewing of old friendships and making new… from around the country. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are generous meals. Morning coffee and afternoon tea are also included and there’s a well-stocked gift shop and bar.

If you wish to book for Holiday Forum 2019, please use the Booking Form on this website or email bookings@urcholidayforum.org.uk to ask for one to be sent to you.  Alternatively you can download the booking form via these links – part 1 and part 2 – and send it to the bookings secretary at the address specified.